Contract Staffing/Outsourcing

” The other part of outsourcing is this: it simply says where the work can be done outside better than it can be done inside, we should do it. – Alphonso Jackson “

Employees contribute a great deal to the success or failure of your organization. That is why their management should be on top of your priority list. The Capital Group Limited has a proactive outsourcing team with a good blend of experience and professionalism to manage all the secondary corporate function of your company whilst you concentrate on your core business. All we care about is making you earn more and spend less. Our sense of fulfillment is when our practical efforts enable you to “heave a huge sigh of relief” knowing you can count on us at any time for quality and delivery.

We provide the following services

  1. Staff Outsourcing
  2. Payroll Adminstration
  3. Relieving Services
  4. HR Outsourcing

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We are the leading management service provider, providing the highest quality services and solutions to our customers.

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Office Hours : 08:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday